2 min readApr 27, 2021


Consistency is the key

I work as a general practitioner. We have recently opened our own clinic. I am Working from morning 8 till evening 8 for the last few months, and I still never get tired/exhausted. So, because the clinic has not yet picked up, I work at another clinic in the morning, and afternoons I work at my own clinic, I hope I am making sense.

I try my best to wake up early and exercise, go for a jog. But that was not happening, purely laziness of waking up early at 5:30 am. So I started skipping, I skip any time. I started with 5 minutes, then 12 minutes,2o minutes,50 minutes with one break of about 3–5 minutes, I could not believe myself.

Here is what I do, after coming back Home at around 4:30, I skip for as long as I can. And then go to my own clinic till 8:pm.

This is what has happened :

I am sleeping better, always had trouble sleeping, now I sleep like a log.

I am more patient and resilient.

I do not lose my temper that easily, I need to work more on it.

My resting heart rate is around 55 bpm, which is an improvement from 68–72 bpm when I was not consistent with it (exercise). Some of the Olympians have a heart rate below 40, which is not my aim but the lower the heart rate, the less stress on the heart.

